Marburg entrepreneur Annabell Pohl and her family together with the publisher Marianne Salentin-Träger and the Frankfurt book team are delighted about the Gourmand World Cookbook Award 2020 in the “FOOD CULTURE” category and the GAD Gold Medal 2021 from Germany’s gastronomy association, the Gastronomische Akademie Deutschlands e. V.
“Stay a little longer, it’s so wonderful here!” – our beach houses always whisper to guests whenever their thoughts turn to heading home. Dreary weather, traffic jams, the daily grind ... And that although the kids have already left home and you’ve built yourself up a nice nest egg? Maybe you’re also one of those people who merely needs a gentle reminder: why only visit the Algarve for just a short while when you can linger in paradise for months? We make answering this question a whole lot easier.
Family holidays need to be planned well. If the core components are not quite right, things can quickly become stressful for the whole family. Here are the five good reasons to head to Salema for a successful family break.
A fishing village like Salema is an absolute paradise for cats. Indeed, they are as omnipresent as the sea. In the lanes, on walls, atop roofs, and beneath bushes ... they have their shady, cosy and feeding spots in all kinds of (im)possible places. And somehow, they are also synonymous with the town’s chilled-out atmosphere.
You will find essential items and daily fresh local produce in the small supermercado at the centre of Salema. Wonderfully fresh fish can be purchased directly on the beach – in the hall that the fishermen bring their catch to every day for weighing and loading.
The Algarvian climate is considered one of the best in Europe. Moderate and Mediterranean, holidaymakers are treated to endless hours of sunshine all year round.
The town of Salema extends over the valley’s slopes like a net that has been drawn tight down at the little beach promenade. White houses are dotted along the craggy shoreline, overlooking the bay. In the old village, narrow alleys that could once only be accessed on foot by donkey lead down to the sandy beach. To this day, they remain inaccessible to motor vehicles – these must be left in the designated areas close by.
Meals are typically served on nickel silver plates. Tomato salad is just one of the classic accompaniments to seafood. Garlic is essentially ubiquitous. Chili peppers are a key ingredient of piri-piri chicken, Portugal’s spicy national dish.
Dolphin watching off the coast, a grotto tour or a day trip to Benagil cave, one of the most visited sights in southern Portugal: a variety of boat trips can be booked.